Which stock exchange is Twinhead traded on? What is the Twinhead stock code on Taiwan Stock Exchange?

Twinhead common stocks were listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE) in 1997. Twinhead is coded 2364 on TSE.

How can investors find Twinhead’s annual reports?

Quarterly reports can be found on our Annual Reports page.
Please click the link:Twinhead Annual Reports

How often does Twinhead announce its financial results?

We announce the previous month consolidated pro forma revenue before 10th of each month. We announce our consolidated financial results on quarterly basis. Please check the link below for more information:Twinhead Financial Information

How can I get the historical financial statements?

Please check the link below for more information: Twinhead Financial Information

What is Twinhead's dividend policy?

Based on the Articles of Association of the Company, if there is any surplus in the Company’s annual final accounts, it shall first pay the tax payable and make up for the accumulated losses. Then 10% of the balance shall be allocated as the statutory surplus reserve (however, this does not apply if the amount of the statutory surplus reserve has already reached the paid-in capital of the Company), which shall pay for the undistributed dividends and bonuses of preferred shares in priority. Further, depending on the Company’s business operation needs and legal requirements, a special reserve may be allocated. If there is any balance and undistributed surplus at the beginning of the same period, the board of directors shall prepare a surplus distribution proposal and submit it to the shareholders’ meeting for resolution. However, when all or part of dividends, bonuses, statutory surplus reserve and legally distributable additional paid-in capital are distributed in cash, a resolution of the board may be reached by the agreement of more than half of the directors at a meeting with more than two-thirds of the directors present, and submitted to the shareholders’ meeting.

For the characteristics of the Company’s business growth, improvement of the Company’s financial structure, and protection of the rights and interests of investors, the allocation of distributable surplus shall be based on the principle of distributing shareholder dividends at no less than 50%. However, no distribution would be made if the accumulated distributable surplus is lower than 1% of the additional paid-in capital. For comprehensively considering the status of additional paid-in capital, retained earnings and future capital needs, long-term financial planning, and maintenance of the balance of the Company’s annual dividend level, the allocated cash dividends shall not exceed 80% of the total shareholders’ dividends, and the rest shall be distributed as share dividends.

Whom may investors contact for Twinhead's general shareholder services?

You may contact Grand Fortune Securities Co., Ltd. (Stock Affairs Agency Department) at +886-2-2371-1658.